Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Green Canyon Corn Maze- Its a Jungle Out There!

We had a great mutual activity this Wednesday night. We were able to go to the Green Canyon Corn Maze and explore through the corn. The theme of the corn maze was jungle and it spread across 17 acres. I think I speak for everyone that we were grateful it didn't feel like 17 acres. Everyone showed up and we even had visitors come along for the ride. It was a great time to just get out and have fun.

The group shot before we started through the mass of corn.

Sarah is rescuing the fair Kelsi.

Megan and Rachelle. I didn't know Tarzan had glasses ;0)

Barti and Kelsi

We finally made it to the end thanks to the help of one of the workers. He showed us exactly where to go. It was so nice to have his help because I think we were all ready to be done.
(Sis. Christi, Megan, Josh, Bri S.
Barti, Kelsi, Lori)

(Lori, Bri, Bri P., and Mishelle)

Monday, September 20, 2010


Yesterday, right before church, I was called in and released from my calling as a YW advisor and Camp Director. It was a short lived calling but one I loved to do. I had so much fun working with the YW and sharing my stories with them. It was great to watch you girls take charge and work on with your Personal Progress and apply those things you have learned to your lives. Thank you girls for being such a great example to me. You are all wonderful and I'm so excited for what you have to look forward to.

I know the leaders care so much about you and are there for whatever you need. They have a lot of experience behind them and have so much they can share with you.

I wish all of you girls the best in all you do.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Book of Mormon Challenge

I'm SO excited about this challenge and have started reading the Book of Mormon daily and it's definitely made an impact in my life already - I'm smiling more! Your YW Presidency loves you and is happy to be rubbing shoulders with all of you and getting to know you. We hope you have fun with this blog because Sister Petersen has really enjoyed getting it started. Here's to many wonderful experiences reading the Book of Mormon and getting excited about Personal Progress and enriching your lives with all the cool things you'll be doing and achieving. WE LOVE YOU!